
We’re not telling you what to do, but here are some suggested playlists that people have shared with us that they find helpful for particular difficulties. They may be an mixture of a number of different genres and tastes, as they are often from a number of people. We are open to suggestions about things that could be put in, though this has to be within reason, as we could probably have about 100 hours of music for some of them! We like people to share their playlists with us by contacting us on social media or through the contacts page. At the moment the main links for playlists are through Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer and YouTube

Some of our playlists reflect turning towards what could be quite difficult feelings. We hope that this is validating and helpful for some people, but know that might not be the case for everybody. Therefore, this is a bit of a health warning to look after yourself and consider which ones you think are appropriate for you. For example, the Overcoming and Happiness playlists have perhaps more uplifting choices.

The big massive anger playlist…Okay, so anger is probably the biggest identified emotion that people talk about in relation to metal music, so its not easy to come up with anything concise. We may end up dividing it at some point if it gets out of hand big…..

Everything else

Overcoming adversity (e.g. bullying)

Low mood – people have tended to interpret this as things that resonate with them when they feel low rather than stuff that ‘cheers them up’. The overcoming playlist is a bit more upbeat if you are looking for that


Hearing voices

Working out

Sleep and relaxation

Grief – Possibly a bit ‘heavy going’ this one, plus definitely some ‘flexibility’ on the metal definition, some rock has snuck in….







Feeling Empty




Hope and Happiness

Paranoia and Intrusive Thoughts

Up and down/’dysregulated’ emotions, including feeling ‘high’

Confidence (or songs that make you feel like a Badass)

References to Mental Health and Stigma – things that refer to and reflect on the idea of ‘madness’

The Safeish Playlist – stuff that’s likely to be less “triggering” or difficult to engage with


Genre Specific Playlists

Black Metal

Death Metal

Melodic Death Metal

Industrial Metal



Doom (and related)Metal

Women in Metalyea we know that’s not a genre! Playlist produced after international women’s day 2020

Ridiculous Metal – also not a genre. Special playlist created to cheer us up during lockdown! With this quarantine themed one which quickly followed!

We did a novelty spooky Halloween playlist for gothmas 2020.

Here is a collection of Best Metal Covers that we also built together for a bit of fun over lockdown 2021

A collection of metal songs in languages other than English and representing different cultures

A Christian metal playlist

A playlist of songs that feature on or are related to gaming