Thom from Hounds

HOUNDS are an Hardcore metal band from Isle of Wight with the energy you would expect from a band of the genre. The members have been incredibly supportive of HMT with Robin sporting our merch during the Triple Threat Tour. Frontman Thom found time to talk to Ben about metal health, touring as a working family man and coping with autism and anxiety*. Thom also suggested some of his favourite tracks, many of which are deliciously frenetic.

Give it a watch (this one has quite a bit of swearing in so is NSFW)

Check out these links: (HOUNDS website)

DeadSwag (HOUNDS are endorsed by these guys) (all links to streaming QUADRIVIAL etc)

These are Thoms bangers:

The Red Shore: Flesh Coutoure

The Tony Danza Tap-dance Extravaganza: Canadian Bacon 

BANE: What Hold’s Us Down

The Acacia Strain: Human Disaster

Sworn In: The Deviant


* Usual disclaimer applies here friends – we talk to people about their own experiences and using their own language to do so. It is not professional advice and there are lots of different ways to describe experiences. For example, in this interview Thom talks about being diagnosed with ‘Asperger’s’ which is a contested term (nowadays the diagnosis of autism tends to be used instead).

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